Summit Summer Olympics 2011

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I”d like to share two fantastic stories from the Summit Summer Olympics 2011.


Two teams, red & green. Roger was in the red team and so was Tomas… The battle started. Everyone was so excited. Most of us were playing for the first time in our lives and we had found it difficult to run, hide, follow the agreed strategy and mostly figuring out how to use the paintball gun. This wasn”t the case for Roger however! Roger promptly found the best position and was waiting…and suddenly the enemy appeared. He was shooting the colorful cartridges from the paintball gun at his enemy for roughly 3 minutes without stopping. Suddenly the affected “soldier” shouted – “Roger, it”s me, Tomas, I”m in your team!” and Roger replied, “Oh, really? I beg my pardon, Sir” and continued watching the game :-).


We were three ladies led It captures all of the information reported in your report about your accounts and how you’ve managed those accounts. by Roger On our ship. Simona, Eva & Pavla. The race started at roughly 2pm in the afternoon. Four ships had to cross half of the Lipno lake, pass around the island and get back to the marina. The first ship in the marina was to be declared the winner. Roger was an experienced sailor and he gave us all instructions, which if we followed, we would be 100% sure to win! All went very well, we sailed around the island and were in a really good position. Suddenly the wind  calmed and we stopped moving. Simona jumped into the water to help us. It didn”t help much, sorry Simona! Roger decided that we have to paddle. I have honestly never paddled so hard in my life. Roger was so excited to win. We were all paddling, Eva from the back was supporting us with regular calls of IN – IN – IN – IN to help us with our timing. Suddenly all of us wanted to win. What a race! In the end we reached the marina in second place. Silver medal. It was a well-deserved one! Thank you, Roger, for all your enthusiasm! I will never forget it!

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