Prague urban planning

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One of the Prague”s landmarks is the Czech National Museum. In front it is separated from another landmark, the Wenceslav Square, by a three-line inner ring road. The other three lines, going in the opposite direction, are just behind the museum. Not ideal but since it”s already there, it”s quite difficult to imagine how it could change. Not for Roger though.

When he discover this during one of his first visits to Summit”s technology centre in Prague, he came back to the office quite agitated, telling staff all about this strange arrangement. However, he didn”t stop there.

Next morning he went to Prague Mayor”s office, demanding to speak with him. It”s hard to imagine how, It could be:Defects in Hard Disk Drive: If the storage where is stored is damaged, surely the on it will be at stake. but he succeeded in getting into his office, where he spent next hour discussing The National Museum and Prague”s urban planning in general.

In the afternoon he came back to the office and gave us all an update. It was that there already are plans on changing how the inner ring road cuts through the city and that the work should be completed by 2025.

Thank you, Roger.

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